Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Pocket by Nick Bakken

A useful tool that I use on a regular basis (both inside and outside of the classroom) is Pocket. Pocket (formerly Read it Later) is a free application that helps you manage, organize, and save a reading list of news articles, pictures, or videos online that you can come back to later. Pocket is particularly useful for when you come across an interesting article or web page that you don’t have time to read, or that would be useful for one of your classes. One feature that is particularly useful about Pocket is that is automatically syncs between your computer, tablet, or phone, allowing you to view the saved file at any time, from any device.

I regularly incorporate timely news and media sources into all of my classes as a means to help students apply the theoretical and conceptual material in the class to contemporary events. Pocket allows a user to save and manage these sources, categorize or label them based on your own preferences or needs, and quickly share the source using a variety of social media (email, Facebook, or Twitter). These features make Pocket useful for both face-to-face and online courses.

Pocket can be downloaded on your computer, or as an app on your Apple or Android device. You can access Pocket at or via the App store for your mobile devices.

Submitted by Nick Bakken, Sociology and Archaeology